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Maine Threads

Mixed Media Participatory Installation: thread, historic photographs from the museum archive, statements related to place, culture and home specifically designed for Lewiston, ME. (2/2023 through 2/2024) Dimensions: 28' wide.


This piece was created for the Museum LA in Lewiston, ME to connect participants to the history of their town.  The artist researched the town and went through hundreds of historical photographs in the museum archive and selected specific ones.  Then statements related to place, culture and home on posts were placed between these photos. This piece is similar to Identity Tapestry, but instead of individuals hand dyed yarn, several colors of fine thread were used to denote age groups by decade.  This way later viewers could see what age groups identified with which statements.  The thinness of the thread also let the photos show through, but as more and more participants added their threads, the photos of the past became obscured by the present.


Each participant selects the color of thread for their age group and ties it to the first post whose statement applies to them.  They then continue wrapping around statements that apply to them until they are done and tie the thread off.

© 2025 by Mary Corey March

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